February 1, 2005
Wow, the year is a month over already!
Sunday was Rick's birthday, we went to Red Lobster and had a great dinner. He is 45 now. Mammam came with us and enjoyed her Popcorn shrimp and baked potato. Benjamin loves shrimp, so he ate all of his shrimp and some of Pappy's too. I took two pictures, so will try and post them up if I can figure it out.
Benjamin's birthday is coming up, he'll be 5...wow, the time goes soo fast. He just woke up, it's 8:46 am on Tuesday. He crawled in bed with us sometime last night. Dietric is already gone for school. Benjamin came walking out and crawled up in my lap for some huggin. He said he had a dream that me and him got a plain cheese pizza with 2 pepsi's. lol He asked if we could do that today.
Devin might be coming over today. Devin is the son of the local chinese restaurant owners. They used to live in an apartment beside us when they first moved here from China. Devin was born here and is Ben's age. They go to preschool together. Peggy (Devin's mom) drops him off and I take him to school with us and sometimes take him to the restaurant after school. We get free dinner from them for just taking him to and sometimes from school. He comes over sometimes to play when they don't have school. They are funny to listen to, the big thing they like to play is Teen Titans and Yugioh (sp?). They jump and pretend to beat up bad guys on our bed.
I'm going to try and put up some pictures.
Cute good start. The hardest part is trying to decide what to say on the 1st few posts. It all kinda builds from there. Let me know if you need help setting up the blogger links an so forth.
Set up an account with photodump ( http://www.photodump.com/ ) then up load you files to there. It will give you links to cut/ past into your blogger messages. its totally free.
see yas
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