Thursday, February 03, 2005

February 3, 2005

Good Morning.

Yesterday was a busy day, wednesday's are my busiest day usually. I take Ben to school then go to my Dad's and clean. Dietric has piano on Wednesday's at 5:30. But, it was busier because I picked up Devin's sister after school and took her to a friends house then Devin came home with us. I took Dietric to piano and then I took Devin home at 7:15.

Dietric does good at piano when he doesn't lie about practicing. He really seems to enjoy playing polka and waltz's. The piano teacher is gonna get him a book of polka songs to play. He's been taking piano for 2 years, now. There are some songs he plays really good, it's nice to hear him play them.

Ben had picture day yesterday, he sayed he smiled nice for them. I took a picture of him and Devin playing at the computer yesterday before school. I'll add it to the pictures link sometime today.

We are going to my Step-cousin's wedding on Saturday. Dietric isn't going to Darryl's this weekend, so he'll pry wind up staying at least 1 night at Grandma & Pappy's. Dietric likes wedding receptions because of the music and lights. He'll dance alittle. Ben gets bored quick and doesn't want anything to do with dancing...but he'll dance at home with no problems. I wish he would dance, he looks so cute when he's all dressed up. I will try to remember to take the camera along and get some pictures.

I like going to wedding and receptions, Monte does not. : ) He usually takes some books along and sits and reads. Ahh well, nobody's perfect. lol

Have a great day.


At 11:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought Monte had a good time at our wedding reception...we saw you both out on the dance floor a lot! And we have pictures to prove it!!! Have a good day!

Dawn, Eric and Skylar


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