Monday, February 28, 2005

February 28, 2005

Well, another snow storm on the way. We are expecting 6 to 10 inches late this morning. They said on a philly news channel the "B" word (Blizzard), because of the wind we will be getting. I went to the store this morning, after Dietric went to school. Before he went to school they already decided that they were having an early dismissal. So, he will be home around 12:30 this afternoon. Ben's school cancelled for today as well.

Monte didn't have any scheduled calls today, but got an emergency call at 9am. He left when I got home from the store. Our water went out this morning for about 2 hours. The water pump is underground on the firehall property next door. Whenever word is done over there it seems our water goes out. Today they were laying a foundation, I hope whatever they put on the foundation doesn't interfere with our water. But, at least it's back on now.

Our friend Scott heard on the news that some people might lose electric because of the storm and wind. That would not be good. I guess we would have to go to my Dad's house, he has a small coal furnance that he can use.

Dietric is "Star of the Week" at school. We had to send in pictures for him to put up on the bulletin board at school. I took a picture of him and added some chat bubbles around him with his favorite things. I'll try and get them up on the site so you can see. Benjamin wanted one as well, so I made one for him too. They are cute. Rick cut their hair yesterday, so the pictures are with their haircuts.

I received a package from my cousin Claudia with a heart valenine heart holder. : ) It was nice to receive a short note and package from her. We finally sent her a present this year for Christmas. She probably got it in January/February. lol But, at least she knows we haven't fogotten her. I'm so happy for her having Bink. There is no feeling on earth like having a child to love. I hope her health improves so she can enjoy the wrestling and tickling when he gets older.

I hope everyone has a great day.


Tuesday, February 22, 2005

February 22, 2005

Yesterday was Ben's birthday. He's 5 now. Sunday we took Ben and Dietric swimming at the Bird-in-Hand hotel swimming pool. We put candles in cupcakes and sang to him. He liked all his presents that he received. We plan on taking the boys to Chuckie Cheese soon.

We'll go to the pool again, it was $4 for each person to swim and they had 2 pools, game room, skee ball. The kids had alot of fun.

Tomorrow we are going to a field trip to Kitchen Kettle with Ben's school.

Devin was over today, so they were having a good time running around, playing computer, playing teen titans, cars and such. It's funny watching them run around and pretending. They are so inventive. : )

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

February 8, 2005

Good Morning. Hopefully this will be a short post today.

We had a nice weekend. Wedding was short and sweet. The reception was nice, Monte did dance with me to a couple of country songs. My mom was soo surprised. : ) Benjamin danced the first song. It was cool, hopefully he will do it more often and not be so shy about it. Dietric was dancing some too, that was nice. They boys did good all day. I was really pleased with them.

I have a short video of 2 of my step uncles doing the YMCA in full regalia (sp?). It's pretty funny.

Dietric stayed up and watched all of the Super Bowl. I was disappointed, but, now I am anxious for next year. Go E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES! Benjamin fell asleep. He decided now that he likes the Falcons. Pappy told him he was allowed to like whoever he wanted, so he decided on the Falcons. We'll see how that goes.

Dietric is at school and Ben is watching Fairly Odd Parents. He was just dancing around listening to Nickjr. radio on Kid's AOL. It was music from Lazytown.

The weather has been great! We couldn't have asked for a nicer weekend. It was in the 50's and warm in the sun. We still have snow on the ground and it looks like we might get rain tomorrow or thursday. I hope we get a big snow before winter is over.

We received a package yesterday from Mom & Dad D. Cool books and a watch for the kids and a nice long letter from Dad.

Dietric loves the snow and plays in it till he's freezing. Ben is still too little to enjoy it yet. Dietric did the same things when he was little, he'd go out for 10 mins and then come back inside. Although, the one nice snow we had Ben was outside with me helping me shovel with the kids shovel. He stayed out with me for over an hour. Dietric was out for an additional 30 mins or so. Have a great day!

Friday, February 04, 2005

February 4, 2005

Good Afternoon! : )

I bought the present for the wedding we are going to tomorrow afternoon. Better late then never...but if you know me at all you know I'm almost always late. lol But getting better.

My step sister (Dawn) proved me wrong about Monte at weddings. Her wedding was awesome, though. Not your typical one. It was outside and there were around 30 people there. It was at an awesome B&B and they had a DJ playing and free drinks. We all had a great time, it was beautiful and fun! : )

BTW Dawn...when you coming home to visit? I miss Skylar. Skylar is my little niece and the sweetest little girl. I call her snuffy. When she does the little whine cry before she really gets mad she snuffles and it's sooo cute! I will try and put up a picture.

There is also another baby I wish I could see and that one is Bink, my cousin Claudia's little boy. He's soo cute and I think he looks just like his mom in her baby pictures.

I'm glad that they are someone else's babies, I like borrowing them and loving them up and being able to return them. lol Mom keeps telling me I need another one, but I'm done unless there is a unexpected surprise. I love my boys...I don't wanna add anymore. But, I love thinking that I'll be able to hear someone say "Aunt Stacie" soon.

Seems like both my parents got xrays in the last week. Dad has arthritis in his neck and it bothers his arm that he can't lift it too much. He is getting a steroid spinal shot next week. Mom got a chest xray to see if the reason she coughs so much at nite is that she has acid reflux. Hopefully, they will figure out why she does so she can get a peaceful nite's rest.

Dietric had a GREAT day at school today. He went to Seminar (Leap/Gifted program) which he hasn't been able to if his work is not done.

Benjamin had homework today, he had to write his name 3 times. He did pretty good.

I'm watching Devin tonight and picking his sister up and taking her to school so she can go on a Girl Scout campout. Free chinese food for supper tonight. :)

I'm enjoying writing this, I hope you that read it aren't bored. : )

I hope you all have a great weekend.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

February 3, 2005

Good Morning.

Yesterday was a busy day, wednesday's are my busiest day usually. I take Ben to school then go to my Dad's and clean. Dietric has piano on Wednesday's at 5:30. But, it was busier because I picked up Devin's sister after school and took her to a friends house then Devin came home with us. I took Dietric to piano and then I took Devin home at 7:15.

Dietric does good at piano when he doesn't lie about practicing. He really seems to enjoy playing polka and waltz's. The piano teacher is gonna get him a book of polka songs to play. He's been taking piano for 2 years, now. There are some songs he plays really good, it's nice to hear him play them.

Ben had picture day yesterday, he sayed he smiled nice for them. I took a picture of him and Devin playing at the computer yesterday before school. I'll add it to the pictures link sometime today.

We are going to my Step-cousin's wedding on Saturday. Dietric isn't going to Darryl's this weekend, so he'll pry wind up staying at least 1 night at Grandma & Pappy's. Dietric likes wedding receptions because of the music and lights. He'll dance alittle. Ben gets bored quick and doesn't want anything to do with dancing...but he'll dance at home with no problems. I wish he would dance, he looks so cute when he's all dressed up. I will try to remember to take the camera along and get some pictures.

I like going to wedding and receptions, Monte does not. : ) He usually takes some books along and sits and reads. Ahh well, nobody's perfect. lol

Have a great day.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Link to Pictures

You should be able to click on link to see the pictures. Let me know if it works. Click on Slideshow to see them alittle bigger. If you click on the actual picture they get really big, the slideshow keeps the pictures as a viewable size.

February 2, 2005

Good Morning.

Dietric is getting ready for school, very slowely. Mornings are the worst for him and trying to get him motivated. His report card was very good but it reflected before christmas break. We had a meeting at school about him this past Monday morning. They said since christmas break he's been having a really hard time concentrating and staying on task. I need to schedule an appt with his Dr. to see if he has any ideas why this might be happening. He did the same thing last year with the time change. He was doing great in the mornings before the time change, but afterwords and since they've been hard getting him up and moving. He does a checklist with his teacher everyday to help him judge how he did in school. If he did good he earned reading time at the end of the day. That's not motivation for him anymore, so we decided if he gets 2 out of the 3 that's he's really having problems with he gets to take a friend to play a game at the end of the day. Hopefully that will help.

Ben and Monte just woke up. Monte has a cold or something, he just doesn't feel so good. Ben is doing good.

Yesterday we dug toys out from under Ben's bed and generally made more a mess of there room then before we started. Devin didn't come over yesterday. Today is picture day at school for Ben. I'll give him a choice of 2 shirts to wear. One will be his nice shirt and tie, he looks so handsome in it. He wanted to wear his eagle's shirt. : )

I cut his hair myself, I've been doing both boys hair the last couple times. Dietric's is pretty easy, he just gets a #4 buzz. I did do a couple mistakes with both of them, but thankfully their hair grows fast. lol I've gotten better. I've even cut Monte's hair. lol You don't want to know what that looked like after I did it. The front was okay but the back was clearly not straight. : ) He wouldn't let me try and get it more even after I spent 10 mins trying. The 2nd time was much better. I was trying to think of a way to have a straight line to cut to and thought of putting a long piece of tape from one ear to the other...we both laughed at that one. I'm just being more careful and not cutting too short.

I haven't figured out how to do the links to pictures yet. When we figure that out you'll be able to click on a link to see the pictures open up in a seperate window (hopefully).

We received the sad news that Grandma Drebenstedt died on Sunday. At least we all did get to see her when we got married and then when we visited Wisconsin 2 summers ago.

I hope everyone has a great day.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

February 1, 2005

Wow, the year is a month over already!

Sunday was Rick's birthday, we went to Red Lobster and had a great dinner. He is 45 now. Mammam came with us and enjoyed her Popcorn shrimp and baked potato. Benjamin loves shrimp, so he ate all of his shrimp and some of Pappy's too. I took two pictures, so will try and post them up if I can figure it out.

Benjamin's birthday is coming up, he'll be, the time goes soo fast. He just woke up, it's 8:46 am on Tuesday. He crawled in bed with us sometime last night. Dietric is already gone for school. Benjamin came walking out and crawled up in my lap for some huggin. He said he had a dream that me and him got a plain cheese pizza with 2 pepsi's. lol He asked if we could do that today.

Devin might be coming over today. Devin is the son of the local chinese restaurant owners. They used to live in an apartment beside us when they first moved here from China. Devin was born here and is Ben's age. They go to preschool together. Peggy (Devin's mom) drops him off and I take him to school with us and sometimes take him to the restaurant after school. We get free dinner from them for just taking him to and sometimes from school. He comes over sometimes to play when they don't have school. They are funny to listen to, the big thing they like to play is Teen Titans and Yugioh (sp?). They jump and pretend to beat up bad guys on our bed.

I'm going to try and put up some pictures.

Christmas 2003 Posted by Hello

First Post

Our friend Bob started a blog when he moved to Miami, Monte thought it would be a good idea for us to start one as well. We can easily put up short messages, pictures and maybe small videos of the kids that family and friends can see. You can leave posts here for us as well. You do not have to sign in if you don't want. Just do an anon. message and just put your name in the post. So, Welcome to Drebenstedts in PA.