Friday, March 18, 2005

March 18, 2005

Today was a nice day outside. Alittle chilly and alittle wind, but sunny. Spring might finally be arriving.

Ben had preschool today, they asked me to come in at 2:30 to help get everything ready for the end of the day. Grams (teacher's aide) needed to leave early. Ben was happy to see me come into school. It really makes me glad to be at home so I can be there for those small things.

Dietric is working on a quilt type picture project for school. He has to fill in 9 blocks with a picture of something he likes. He has most filled up, he said he likes imagining, swimming, music...I forget the other stuff, now.

The both have slight colds (runny noses). I think I'm catching it now.

Monte got 3 gift certificates for body massages from a client. They own Lancaster School of Massage. I scheduled us for tonight and we got to go. It's so nice and relaxing. They do your back, legs, arms, feet, neck, shoulders, face, scalp and hands. It feels wonderful when your done, it's like your a piece of limp spaghetti.

We gave one of the gift certificates to Rox (my stepmom). I'm going to call her tomorrow and urge her to go if she hasn't already. We'll definately go back. It's such a nice feeling to be so pampered.

I can't believe Easter is next week. I'm gonna try and take Ben to a local easter egg hunt tomorrow afternoon in Paradise. I mentioned it to Darryl, I doubt he'll take Dietric. He usually has alot of stuff planed during the weekends.

I got to see Skylar last weekend. She's getting soo big. She was sitting up good, playing with toys. We have a Elmo that sings, she got a kick out of that. The boys were enjoying being silly for her. She just watched them in amazement. :) Dietric layed his head down and she would grab handfuls of hair. He didn't mind, he thought it was funny. He loves babies. He kept asking to hold her and we finally let him. He did okay, but was moving her arms around a little too much. I took a picture of her pulling Dietric's hair. I'll try and put it up if it came out okay.

Guess that's all for now. I hope everyone is well. :)

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

March 9, 2005

Thought these were funny and totally Dietric and me.

Its hard to remember when you don't know you're forgetting!
Its hard to be careful when you don't know what to avoid!
ADD: Living for the moment and not being interested when it comes!
ADD: In a hurry without going anywhere.
ADD Mind: Like a car without a steering wheel!
ADD: Living for the moment and not noticing when it arrives!
ADD: Life, Liberty and the pursuit of chaos!
Add: Forgetting before you need to forgive!
Add: Being offended and not noticing!
Add: Being angry and forgetting who you are angry at!
Add: We don't need to forgive to forget!
Add is: Letters with the postage stamp INSIDE!
Add is: Gargling with OldSpice aftershave!
Add is: Screaming Mmphl Mumph cause you brushed with benGay!
Add is: Discovering that Shaving cream is a good mousse!
Add is: Discovering that NAIR doesn't makes a good mousse!
Add is: Living for the moment and not BEING there when it arrives!
I am not as ADD as you sure you don't want to go to lunch?
I have good news and I HAD bad news but I forgot the bad news! ;->
Memory is like a box of chocolates - Empty as soon as its opened!
ADD: Like having a tool box with a hole in the bottom!
ADD: Like being cursed to wear pants with holes in the pockets!
I have the will, and the way. But never BOTH at the same time!
I think therefore I forgot!
Been There! Done that! FORGOT WHY!
I have a photographic memory ... With the lens cap stuck on!
Memory like a pen with disapearing ink!
I'd rather be wierd than boring.
I may be wierd but at least I'm not boring!.
ADD is: Having a vivid imgination and not knowing what to do with it.
ADD is like driving backwards in a fun house of mirrors!
ADD: Past too painful, present too intense, Future too uncertain!
ADD: Car by corvette, Brakes by matel!
ADD: Brain by God, Memory by Murphy!
Scuse my spelling my memory went devorak on me!
I don't have bad manners just bad memory!
Its always darkest before it gets darker!!
ADD is: Winning the lottery and showing up for work the next day!
U Maybe ADD if: You forget to take your supposedly "Addictive" ritalin!
An ADDER without notes is like a kayaker without his oars!
Procrastinators do it later!
Do you want it done right or want it done fast?
Look, I have two speeds slow and slower. Do you want to see slower?
Shredder? ... SHREDDER! I thought this was the COPIER!!!
I not as think as you confused I am!
Getting up this morning was my FIRST mistake!
Smoke may indicate you have exceeded my attention span!
ADD: What we can't get we FOR-get!
ADD: Sometimes we miss the lines because we see so much BETWEEN the lines!
ADD: What we can't get we fake! What we can't fake we forget!
ADDER'S: Sometimes we have "Dyslexic Memory"
"Dyslexic Memory" - Instead of before, We remember AFTER its too late!
"Dyslexic Memory" - A form of mental hindsight!
You think my ADD is frustrating to you? You outta try BEING ADD!
Every time I think I understand the question I forgot the question!
Every time I think I finally got the answer everybody's gone home!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

March 1, 2005

Well, the storm was a bust. It didn't start until 1pm and didn't start laying on the roads till 2-4pm. We did get 5 inches. There is a two hour delay for school this morning. It is supposed to snow an additional inch during the day today. Ahh well, we were hoping for a huge snow that closed everything for a day. I hope everyone has a great day.