Monday, April 25, 2005

April 29, 2005

I was browsing thru others blogs and some seem kind of interesting to read. It made me want to start one to reveal my inner workings. Scary thought. I wonder if I could sound as intelligent and witty as the others do.

Funny story, me and a typical ADD scenerio. On my birthday, my best friend Scott called to wish me a happy bday. We talked for a couple minutes and I tried to remind myself of the date of his birthday (the 11th), I've known him for over 15 years'd think I'd have a clue. I wrote it down on my calender so I wouldn't forget and called him on April 11th. Conversation goes alittle like this:
Me "Happy Birthday!!"
Scott "Huh"
Me "Happy Birthday."
Scott "Did you call the wrong number?"
Me "ahh, no...happy birthday? I wrote it down so I wouldn't forget."
Scott amid lots of laughter "My birthday was...last month...we went to the comedy club"
Me feeling semi stupid and starting to laugh "I knew it, I was thinking we did, but couldn't remember well enough, so just figured It was for something else."

That is definately a Spacie, as Bob calls me, (how did I ever get that name) moment. Scott has been one of the bigger recipients of those kinda things. I think that is the reason all my friends are guys. They don't care if you forget their birthdays, forget to call, forget what time something is, forget the time and date of something. Okay, well maybe the time and date they do. When you do finally call, you just pick up where you left off. "Hey Bob, how are ya? What's been happening the past 3 years? OH? Cool. Let's go to lunch! Okay, I'll see ya there in an hour." That's about it. Although, to be honest, I think it was Bob that called me. lol I guess he has been around longer that Scott. Yeah, I've known Bob longer. All the friends I still talk to (and there are tons, ie. Scott and Bob) I met at Miller's Smorgasboard. So, that was 1985 that I started working there. I stayed there all thru High School, till 1990.

Having ADD is funny when it's not painful. I had to laugh when my youngest son (now 5 but at the time 4 and obviously nothing like his mom) reminded me that he needed his medicine. This wasn't a one time thing either, he had to remind me several times. I, and everyone else, always figured that was just silly, ditzy, forgetful, leave her head if it wasn't attached Stacie. It was like that for many years. I cried when Dietric was diagnosed with ADHD. There were all kinds of feelings rushing around inside. I was happy to know there was an explination behind some of his actions. That he just didn't understand some basic things. When we did the interview to figure out if he had it or not, they asked if his father or I had it. I said No, neither of us did. When Dietric started concerta (2001) I read about it on there website. They had info about Adult ADD, so I read it and was hit over the head by it. I couldn't believe I had missed this, why did it take me soo long to realize that I had it. I see so much of myself in Dietric.

Claudia is home! I've got to hold and play with Bink and give Claudia a big hug. So far, she's been home only 3 days. Marc, Claudia and Bink arrived Wednesday afternoon at the Philly airport. They got to Grammy's house around 6:30 pm. It was soo great to be able to welcome her home and sharing a huge hug! Lord, I've missed her.

The van and car are still not running. Dad and Rox let us borrow their Jeep Cherokee. Ben will finish school at the end of May. Dietric will be done the 1st week of June, I believe. They didn't miss any snow days, only a couple 2 hour delays. I took the boys to the Dentist this week and they both have no cavities. Dietrics teeth are very healthy, but they said we should take him to an orthodontist to see if they want to do anything to help his teeth come in straight. Ben has a double tooth. It's two that are joined and when they counted he has 11 on the top with that double tooth. They said nothing to worry about, it would come out and shouldn't effect anything. I signed him up for a mini preschool/playgroup that the high school Home Ec/Child Development class is doing. I participated in it when I was in school and thought it would be nice for Ben. It's from 8AM to 10:15AM. I stayed with him the first two days. There isn't really anyone there his age and he didn't know anyone. He was being very shy and quiet, he didn't want to be away from me. Hopefully next week he'll want to be by himself and won't need me there. I was really surprised he acted that way. I guess he needed more positive talk about it. He's very excited about kindergarten, though. We had his school conference and Mrs. McClarigan said he's doing very well and he is ready for kindergarten. He'll be going to school with kids from his preschool class. We had the option for 1/2 day and full day, we choose full day.

I guess that's about all for now. Hope everyone is well.


At 10:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEheh , wooeew , that was funny and very much you.

e-mail your physical home addy so I can send a cd of our vacation in orlando. it's about 14 min long


At 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi stacie! it's Veronique.I was reading your blog, and I found it soooo funny.I'm sure you as funny as you sound in person. I can't wait to meet you in person.


At 2:02 PM, Blogger Bob said...

Hi stacie! it's Veronique.I was reading your blog, and I found it soooo funny.I'm sure you as funny as you sound in person. I can't wait to meet you in person.


At 2:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Knucklehead posted twice /Bonk

At 8:19 PM, Blogger Stacie said...

That "Knucklehead" seems like a real sweety and I can't wait to meet her as well. Hi, Veronique. : )

At 9:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time for an Update ...


At 10:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, living with A.D.D. (mine is undiagnosed) can be hilarious. But only when you're with understanding friends. Much of the rest of the time, it's very frustrating. Embarrassing. I have many of your "Spaci" moments. My brain switches channels often. During the writing of this comment, my mind flashed to Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith.


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